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Publishing in an Online Literary Journal

Many writers still believe that the only option for publishing their poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction is in a magazine, literary journal, or book. Yet, there is another option: a web-based publication or online literary journal.

There are numerous literary journals that publish only on the Web. In other words, they don’t publish content in a magazine or print-based journal. According to Writer’s Magazine, there are more than 300 Web-based literary journals. And, with the trend toward Web-based publishing and the increasing popularity of various types of digital media, more and more publications will be moving to the Web.

Online publishing has exploded for several reasons. First, it is much less expensive to publish a literary journal on the Web than to print and distribute it.

Secondly, the Web-based publication has global reach. It can attract readership from all over the world. Anyone who has Web access can read the publication.

Finally, digital media, like the iPhone, Kindle, and iPad are making it easier for people to access and read information on the Web. 

The Web is the future of publishing, whether it is a magazine, newspaper, or literary journal.

Benefits of Publishing on the Web

The Web offers several benefits to the aspiring writer who wants to publish his/her work.

First, it is easier for you to publish on the Web than trying to publish in The New Yorker, for example. Often, these online publications are looking for fresh material from new writers.

Secondly, many of the online literary journals publish avant-garde or experimental creative writing.

Thirdly, by publishing on the Web, you have a potential of reaching readers from all over the world.

The following are examples of some of the best web-based literary journals:

For a complete list of online literary journals, go to Poetry and Writers online at